Maverick Pro 2.8 Paid Apk Free Download [Terbaru]
Anda para pengguna Android harus mencoba aplikasi yang keren ini Maverick Pro 2.8 Paid Apk. Aplikasi ini dalah sebuah program yang dirancang untuk menjadi sebuah peta Offline dan GPS tanpa memerlukan koneksi interet. Hebat bukan? Ya benar, dengan menggunakan Maverick Pro Paid Apk ini, anda dapat membuat tracking untuk keperluan hiking, jalan-jalan, atau pergi keluar kota tanpa harus terkoneksi dengan internet. Peta yang terdapat di dalam aplikasi ini sudah dirancang secara otomatis untuk penggunaan Offline. Jadi tunggu apalagi, segera coba aplikasi unik untuk Hp Android anda.
Main Features of Maverick Pro Paid Apk :
- Google, Bing, OSM and many other maps. All maps automatically cached for offline use. Use Mobile Atlas Creator to download maps or MAPC2MAPC to convert maps from other formats.
- Share your current or planned position. You can send address, GPS coordinates, link to Google Maps and even map image.
- Navigate easily. Build-in radar shows the direction, distance and estimated time to a point of interest. See all the nearest locations from FourSquare and Footprints.
- Save places you visit. All waypoint stored in KML file and can be viewed and edited in Google Earth.
- Record tracks with single tap. Tracks are recorded in GPX format and can be viewed in Google Earth and other software. Share GPX files via email or DropBox.
- Upload tracks to GPSies. Free account is required for uploading.
- Trip Computer. Watch speed, altitude, pitch and many other values.
- Tablet-ready. Basic support for Honeycomb devices.
What’s New in Maverick Pro 2.8
- Support for Android M.
- Fixed Hike and Bike Map.
- Removed Yandex Maps because of licensing issues.
- OS Explorer maps fix
- New tiles downloader. You can “paint” areas to download with one finger or select a rectangle block using multi-touch.
- Address/places search.
- Using new Fused Location Provider.
- Support for tracks formats:
- GPX (routes)
- PLT (OziExplorer)
- KML (Google Earth)
- NMEA (Canon 6D, S100, etc)
- Pebble support.
- Segments in tracks.
- Better multi-touch.
- Google Street View.
- NearMap Australia (paid service).
- Use external SD card option in Settings.
- Improved UI.
Anda Mungkin Juga Menyukai: Need For Speed Mostwanted
Bagaimana Cara Menggunakan Maverick Pro Retakan?
- Download Maverick Pro Retakan dengan menggunakan IDM
- Uninstall versi sebelumnya dengan menggunakan IObit Uninstaller.
- Gunakan Winzip atau WinRAR untuk membuka file RAR.
- Pertama, Anda perlu menginstal program.
- Jadi, Lebih baik menyalin crack daripada menempelkannya ke folder program.
- Instal program dari sana.
- Semua selesai! Sekarang nikmati
Link Download
Maverick Pro 2.8 Paid Apk (2.6 Mb)