Terms and Conditions
Payment and Terms
All work including phone calls, meetings, design, deveadidas running shoes Lace Wigs custom baseball jerseys wig store wigs for women ass sex toy for man nfl jerseys men wig store nfl shop lovense sex toys best nfl uniforms adidas yeezy for men best jordan custom jerseys baseball adidas outlet lopment, bug fixes, and any other time spent related to a project will be billed at the hourly rate, or fixed rate, as published on https://gigapurbalinga.com/. Any work completed for the Client outside of a defined scope or project agreement will be charged the published hourly rate, or fixed rate, on a separate invoice, billed on the last day of each month.
Any work required to be done by our Client outside of normal business hours will be billed at time-and-a-half of our published rates at gigapurbalinga. Normal business hours for gigapurbalinga.com, LLC are defined as 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Mountain Time, Monday through Friday. Weekends and government holidays are specifically excluded from normal business hours.
Although no travel is likely for this project, if any is required of gigapurbalinga.com, LLC, it will be billed at both time and travel expenses and written approval from our Client is required. Travel for on-site Training is exempt from travel expenses.
A deposit of up to 50% is generally required to start work. An invoice will be sent with easy payment options including check, PayPal, Stripe or an alternative payment gateway with an online credit card payment processor. The remainder of the final balance for work done will be invoiced when the project is delivered and deployed, or on the last day of each month for the duration of the project.
Bug Fixes
Undiscovered problems (bugs) are a natural part of custom software development. gigapurbalinga.com, LLC will make every effort to find and fix bugs before delivering our work. There is no way to find them all though and some will likely be discovered after delivery – sometimes long after the code is deployed. As noted below, all work including bugs fixes, are billed at actual time spent (see Payment and Terms above).
The software furnished by gigapurbalinga.com, LLC is provided on an as “As Is” basis without any warranties or representations express, implied, or statutory including without limitation warranties of quality, performance, non-infringement, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, nor are there any warranties created by a course of dealing, course of performance, or trade usage. gigapurbalinga.com, LLC does not warrant that the software will meet our Client’s needs or be free from errors, or that the operation of the software will be uninterrupted. The foregoing exclusions and disclaimers are an essential part of this policy and form the basis for determining the price charged for work.
Source Code Ownership
All source code for this system will be owned by both our Client and gigapurbalinga, LLC. gigapurbalinga, LLC has developed a number of source code libraries on prior projects that might be reused to keep costs down. gigapurbalinga, LLC may also, at its sole discretion, reuse any and all source code on other projects so long as it doesn’t violate our Client’s trademarks and intellectual property. Our Client will be given all source code and be allowed to use it as they see fit.
Display of Work
gigapurbalinga, LLC will be allowed to advertise their work on the project through news items and press releases, as well as adding the project to our online portfolio located at https://gigapurbalinga.com/